litdb for Node.js better-sqlite3

Use litdb with the better-sqlite3 driver (requires Node.js):

npm install @litdb/better-sqlite



import { connect } from "@litdb/better-sqlite"

export const connection = connect("app.db") // WAL enabled by default
export const { $, sync:db, async, native } = connection


When needed use native to access the native better-sqlite3 Database

Configuration Options

type ConnectionOptions = {
    // Creates a new database connection to the specified SQLite DB. 
    // If the database file does not exist, it is created.
    // default: app.db
    // Whether to enable WAL
    // default: true
    // Open the database as read-only (no write operations, no create).
    // default: false
    readonly?: boolean
    // If the database does not exist, an Error will be thrown instead of creating a new file
    fileMustExist?: boolean | undefined;
    // The number of milliseconds to wait when executing queries on a locked database, 
    // before throwing a SQLITE_BUSY error
    // default: 5000
    timeout?: number | undefined;
    // Provide a function that gets called with every SQL string executed by the db connection
    verbose?: ((message?: unknown, ...additionalArgs: unknown[]) => void) | undefined;
    // If you're using a build system that moves, transforms, or concatenates your JS files,
    // you can solve it by using this option to provide the file path of better_sqlite3.node 
    // (relative to the current working directory).
    nativeBinding?: string | undefined;


export const connection = connect({ fileName:'app.db' })


Example of using @litdb/better-sqlite sync APIs:

import { $, db } from "./db"
import { Contact } from "./models"

    new Contact({ name:"John Doe", email:"[email protected]" }),
    new Contact({ name:"Jane Doe", email:"[email protected]" }),

const janeEmail = '[email protected]'
const jane =<Contact>($.from(Contact).where(c => $`${} = ${janeEmail}`))!

// Insert examples
const { lastInsertRowid: bobId } = db.insert(new Contact({ name:"Bob", email:"[email protected]" }))
const { lastInsertRowid } = db.exec`INSERT INTO Contact(name,email) VALUES ('Jo','[email protected]')`
const name = 'Alice', email = '[email protected]'
db.exec`INSERT INTO Contact(name,email) VALUES (${name}, ${email})`

// Typed SQL fragment with named param example
const hasId = <Table extends { id:number }>(id:number|bigint) =>
    (x:Table) => $.sql($`${} = $id`, { id })

const contacts = db.all($.from(Contact).into(Contact))                // => Contact[]
const bob =$.from(Contact).where(hasId(bobId)).into(Contact)) // => Contact    
const contactsCount = db.value($.from(Contact).select`COUNT(*)`)      // => number
const emails = db.column($.from(Contact).select(c => $`${}`))  // => string[]
const contactsArray = db.arrays($.from(Contact))                      // => any[][]
const bobArray = db.array($.from(Contact).where(hasId(bobId)))        // => any[]

// Update examples = '[email protected]'
db.update(jane)                           // Update all properties
db.update(jane, { onlyProps:['email'] })  // Update only email
db.exec($.update(Contact).set({ }).where(hasId( // query builder

// Delete examples
db.exec($.deleteFrom(Contact).where(hasId( // query builder