Use litdb with node-mysql2 driver:
npm install @litdb/postgres
Example of using the node-mysql2 driver:
import { connect } from "@litdb/mysql2"
export const connection = connect({ hostname, database, user, password })
export const { $, async:db, native:sql } = connection
When needed use native
to access mysql2 Connection Pool
Configuration Options​
type ConnectionOptions = {
// DECIMAL and NEWDECIMAL types will be returned as numbers if this option is set to `true`
// default: false
decimalNumbers?: boolean;
// The MySQL user to authenticate as
user?: string;
// The password of that MySQL user
password?: string;
// Name of the database to use for this connection
database?: string;
// The charset for the connection.
// default: UTF8_GENERAL_CI
charset?: string;
// The hostname of the database you are connecting to
// default: localhost
host?: string;
// The port number to connect to
// default: 3306
port?: number;
// The source IP address to use for TCP connection
localAddress?: string;
// The path to a unix domain socket to connect to. When used host and port are ignored
socketPath?: string;
// The timezone used to store local dates
// default: local
timezone?: string | 'local';
See node-mysql Connection Pool Options for more.
connection = connect({ host, database, user, password })
connection = connect(connectionString)
Example of using @litdb/postgres
async APIs:
import { $, db } from "./db"
import { Contact } from "./models"
await db.dropTable(Contact)
await db.createTable(Contact)
await db.insertAll([
new Contact({ name:"John Doe", email:"[email protected]" }),
new Contact({ name:"Jane Doe", email:"[email protected]" }),
const janeEmail = '[email protected]'
const jane = await<Contact>($.from(Contact).where(c => $`${}=${janeEmail}`))
// Insert examples
const { lastInsertRowid:bobId } = await db.insert(
new Contact({ name:"Bob", email:"[email protected]"}))
const { lastInsertRowid } = await db.exec
`INSERT INTO Contact(name,email) VALUES('Jo','[email protected]')`
const name = 'Alice', email = '[email protected]'
await db.exec`INSERT INTO Contact(name,email) VALUES (${name}, ${email})`
// Typed SQL fragment with named param example
const hasId = <Table extends { id:number }>(id:number|bigint) =>
(x:Table) => $.sql($`${} = $id`, { id })
const contacts = await db.all($.from(Contact).into(Contact)) // => Contact[]
const bob = await$.from(Contact).where(hasId(bobId)).into(Contact)) // => Contact
const contactsCount = await db.value($.from(Contact).rowCount()) // => number
const emails = await db.column($.from(Contact).select(c => $`${}`)) // => string[]
const contactsArray = await db.arrays($.from(Contact)) // => any[][]
const bobArray = await db.array($.from(Contact).where(hasId(bobId))) // => any[]
// Update examples = '[email protected]'
await db.update(jane) // Update all properties
await db.update(jane, { onlyProps:['email'] }) // Update only email
// query builder
await db.exec($.update(Contact).set({ }).where(hasId(
// Delete examples
await db.delete(jane)
await db.exec($.deleteFrom(Contact).where(hasId( // query builder