
Custom Naming Strategy

App's can configure litdb to use a custom naming strategy for tables and columns by configuring the dialect's strategy.

import { SnakeCaseStrategy } from "litdb"
import { connect } from "@litdb/postgres"

export const connection = connect({hostname, database, user, password})
export const { $, async: db, native:sql } = connection
connection.dialect.strategy = new SnakeCaseStrategy()

Where SnakeCaseStrategy is defined as returning table and column names in snake_case:

class SnakeCaseStrategy {
    tableName(table:string) : string { return snakeCase(table) }
    columnName(column:string) : string { return snakeCase(column) }

Type Converters

litdb uses type converters to convert between JavaScript Objects and RDBMS data types. App's can configure litdb to use custom type converters by registering them with the driver's schema.

A Type Converter is an object with toDb and fromDb methods that convert between JavaScript and RDBMS data types.

interface TypeConverter {
    toDb(value: any): any;
    fromDb(value: any): any;

For example, this DateTimeConverter is used to convert Date objects to and from MySQL's DATETIME data type:

class DateTimeConverter implements TypeConverter
    toDb(value: any) {
        const d = toDate(value)
        return d ? dateISOString(d).replace('T',' ') : null
    fromDb(value: any) {
        if (!value) return null
        return toDate(value)

Custom Type Converters can be registered with the driver's schema for the data type it should apply to:

export const connection = connect({ host, database, user, password })
export const { $, async:db, native } = connection

connection.schema.converters['DATETIME'] = new DateTimeConverter()

Register Converter for Mutliple Data Types

The converterFor utility function can be used to register a converter for multiple data types:

import { converterFor } from "litdb"

    converterFor(new DateConverter(), "DATE", "DATETIME", "TIMESTAMP", "TIMESTAMPZ"))